The Way it Goes

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

I recently read 25 years of coding, and I’m just beginning by user DeChamp, and found some intriguing responses across the web. One particular Re: came from Peter Skirko. Rather than read back the very relatable thoughts and ideas they both covered, as pertains to development, I thought I’d begin with it to share where my mental state has recently turned to.

The Next Steps

I chose to use the JAMStack to build my website because it should be quick, painless, and easy to write posts and get them published to the live site. This post, in some ways, is a test of that. That brings me to figuring out the next steps for my blog. While I want to add much, much more in terms of a portfolio, at the time of making this post, this site is half-baked. I’m afraid that if someone comes onto the website in its current state, it’ll reflect poorly on my own work. But, maybe that’s the motivation I’ve been looking for.

I think that it’s time to keep working. By that, I mean I need to cover up the potholes and make sure that I finish what I start - all before I add more features. This means cleaning up broken links and adding little bits at a time. Keeping the momentum in building this living site will ensure that I learn more about the Hexo static-site generator as time goes on. Maybe, I’ll contribute additional resources to the generator’s documentation wherever I can!


  • Clean up any missing links/pages/sections. (This will require getting acquainted with some of Hexo’s features).
  • Add an About page.
  • Learn more about the .ejs template language that came with this blog’s theme!
  • Customize the theme!?!?
  • Read up about schema! (I’ll be looking at
  • Continue writing this Roadmap!